Residents working to improve the safety of
walking and bicycling in Springfield
walking and bicycling in Springfield

WalkBike Springfield hosted World Day of Remembrance Event for Road Traffic Victims on
Sunday, November 17, 2024 by the Springfield Central Library. We honored the 36 fatalities in
Hampden County in the past year -- including EIGHT pedestrians!
Videos of the Event:
Western Mass News Coverage
Walk of Remembrance
Honoring the 36 Hampden County Victims
Advocates & Elected Officials Speak Out for Safer Roadways
Gayle Ball is Remembered
Who We Are:
The Genesis:
- Residents (Neighborhood Councils, Healthy Hill Advocates)
- Government (Springfield DPW, Mass In Motion, Springfield Planning, PVPC, MassDOT Safe Routes to School)
- Non-governmental organizations (LiveWell Springfield, Way Finders, WalkMassachusetts, MassBike)
The Genesis:
- Summer 2014 – PVPC, LiveWell Springfield, MassBike convene ad hoc group to develop Complete Streets Policy and Plan
- Summer 2015 – WalkBike Springfield holds 1st monthly meeting
- October 2015 – Springfield City Council passes Complete Streets Policy
- May 2016 - MassDOT requires revisions; Council passes again
- World Day of Remembrance Events Bring Attention to Springfield's SPEEDING crisis
- Bicycle Network & Prioritization Plan
- Springfield's first Bike/Skate Park
- MassDOT Complete Streets Funding
- Street Painting: Bicycle Lanes, Sharrows, Zebra Crosswalks
- Bicycle Racks at Libraries
- Safe Routes to School & Walking Curriculum for all 2nd graders
- Multi-use Paths: Connections: Connecticut River Walk & Bikeway & McKnight Trail
- Education
- Bicycle Curriculum
- Neighborhood Council Outreach
- Good Neighbor Handbook
- Safety
- Improving Pedestrian Crossings, including across State St. to Central Library
- 25 MPH Speed Limit Campaign
- Speed Management Plan & Age Friendly City
- Policy